Auto Insurance Coverage for Newly Acquired Vehicles

Auto Insurance Coverage for Newly Acquired Vehicles When a vehicle owner has an automobile insurance policy and acquires a new vehicle, the new vehicle will be automatically covered to the same extent and policy amounts as the insured’s other insured vehicles, if the insurance policy has a provision for newly acquired vehicles. A newly acquired vehicle can be a…

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Transporting Hazardous Materials on Roadways

Transporting Hazardous Materials on Roadways Without trucks products could not get to the neighborhood store. But traveling the roadways with the artichokes and widgets are shipments of hazardous cargo, like flammable liquids, biomedical waste, and radioactive materials. When a truck containing molasses overturns on a highway, the resulting cleanup can be sticky. When a truck containing dynamite overturns on…

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Federal Teacher Protection Act – Preemption of State Law

The federal Teacher Protection Act (TPA) preempts state laws to the extent that such laws are inconsistent with the provisions of the TPA. However, the TPA does not preempt state laws that provide additional protection from liability to school employees. The following types of state laws are not inconsistent with the TPA:  (1) a state law that requires a…

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